PCPM wspiera mobilne kliniki w Palestynie. PCPM support mobile clinics in West Bank

Mobile clinics are key to protecting lives in the...

PCPM has been supporting the operation of mobile clinics run by the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) for the past three years. Thanks to our support, residents in 32 villages...
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Medevac Hub Jasionka - medycy pracują

These are the voices of patients who have been...

New patients from Ukraine pass through the MEDEVAC HUB Jasionka every week. In total, more than 530 people came to the medical transit point, accompanied by 220 people. Thanks to...
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Wizyta premiera Flandrii w MEdevac Hub Jasionka

More patients from Ukraine arrive at MEDEVAC HUB Jasionka

Since the beginning of its operation, MEDEVAC HUB JASIONKA, has received 258 sick and injured people and 79 of their families. At the end of January, the number of people...
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MEDEVAC Hub in Jasionka takes in the wounded from...

Norway, Sweden, Germany, or France are the countries to which war victims and cancer patients from Ukraine are sent for treatment. Medevac Hub Jasionka has been opened for these people,...
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