PCPM. What do we do?

PCPM. What do we do?

We are a humanitarian organization, which means that we help everyone regardless of their origin, skin color, or religion, making sure that our actions do not exacerbate local tensions. The Polish Center for International Aid Foundation has been operating since 2006 as a non-profit organization (KRS 0000259298) specializing in international aid.

Our Mission

We help victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters. We direct our actions directly to beneficiaries in selected regions of the world. At the same time, we do not turn away from other parts of the globe. We are close, we do not judge. Through our activities in the international arena, We strive to contribute to building a positive image of Poland. Not only as a country that can share its economic potential with others but also as a country that has received such aid in the past. The PCPM Foundation is a non-governmental organization operating under the Polish flag on behalf of Polish institutions and individual donors. We work using diversified sources of financing. We also have permanent field structures and stable relations with local partners. Furthermore, we help, we activate.

Our Areas of Work

The Polish Center for International Aid Foundation operates in three areas:

  • Emergency (providing medical and rescue aid in the event of natural and man-made disasters)
  • Humanitarian (aid to victims of natural disasters, crises, or conflicts)
  • Development (supporting social and economic development)

Development Aid

Development aid aims to support developing countries in achieving a higher economic and social level.

Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian aid is about saving and protecting lives during disasters and natural disasters or those caused by human activity. It is provided to countries affected by armed conflicts, affected by mass migrations, natural disasters, and weather anomalies.

The Magnitude of the Needs

The enormous needs and their diversity pose an incredible challenge. However, helping those impacted by humanitarian crises is one of the basic reflexes and signs of humanity.

Our Projects

We have implemented projects in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Nepal, Peru, South Sudan, Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, Madagascar, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Ukraine, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our Response to Disasters

The PCPM Medical Emergency Team (Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM) is the only one in Poland and one of the few in Europe medical rapid response groups that operates under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Our Commitments

PCPM is a signatory to the Code of Conduct in Disaster Situations of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and non-governmental organizations. In our aid projects, we operate following the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and respect for independence.

Ukraine: Since the beginning of the war, we have been assisting the most needy communities in eastern Ukraine, as well as refugees in Poland.
South Sudan: We are saving the lives and health of malnourished children. We provide therapeutic food and seeds to the Gordhim Nutrition Centre.
Kenya: We have been training Kenyan firefighters since 2014. We have built the Kenya Fire and Rescue Training Centre. Pictured – Bilha, who heads the unit in Muranga.
Lebanon: Lebanon is in a huge economic crisis as of 2019. We are providing food aid there, supporting agricultural cooperatives, and installing solar lighting.
Palestine: We support the emergency medical system and try to respond to current needs. We supply mobile clinics with medicines, dressing materials, and first aid kits.
Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM: Prepared to respond immediately to humanitarian crises or natural disasters around the world.
Ethiopia: We are developing emergency medicine. We are training medical services and firefighters to improve pre-hospital care and response to emergencies or disasters.
Tanzania: We are training medical services and expanding the emergency medicine system. As part of the project, we are building a training centre for medics in Dar es Salaam, the country’s largest city.