Food parcels have reached internally displaced people in Ukraine

The Polish Center for International Aid Foundation has reached villages on the front line with food aid. This was possible thanks to the support of Polish donors through – For security reasons, we were able to be in each village for a few minutes at a time, for reason that the Russians are tracking the aid distribution sites. We don’t want its reception to endanger people who badly need this help,” report PCPM Foundation employees and collaborators, who took the packages to the east.

The Foundation also began distributing packages in the western part of Ukraine thanks to the support of the CARE organization. The Polish Center for International Aid has issued food packages to internally displaced persons in Schodnica, Stebnik, and Truskavets. In total, the packages are expected to go to nearly 1,000 families. More than 30 percent of them received any help for the first time just from Poles.

This is just the beginning. PCPM is reaching out with aid to places where residents fleeing the war have arrived, and food supplies are difficult to come by. Each package, prepared by PCPM and CARE, contains long-life products (groats, rice maki, canned goods, tea, or coffee).

Implemented with CARE’s funds, the program also assists internally displaced persons in Ukraine by issuing cash benefits. This support will help families forced to leave their homes in cities such as Kramatorsk or Mariupol to rent an apartment or meet their most basic needs.
By the end of the year, the Polish Center for International Aid Foundation, together with CARE, will have helped a total of 9,000 internally displaced families in Ukraine.
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