I Refugee [VIDEO]

Syrian refugees in Akkar, Lebanon (Polish Humanitarian Zone)
I Refugee by Kristian Bielatowicz
PCPM (Polish Centre for International Aid) is a foundation that since 2012 has run the largest humanitarian aid program implemented by a Polish NGO, a project in the poorest district of Akkar, Lebanon, on the border with Syria.
The conditions in which refugees live are very bad. Garages, flats in unfinished buildings, basements, shops and areas built for keeping animals. In some places the number of refugees is greater than that of the local residents. Damp, cold, semi-darkness … yet not just four years ago, these people were living in normal houses just a few dozen kilometers away.
Children are in the worst situation. Not only do they lack the appropriate living conditions, ones that would meet the humanitarian minimum, they also face huge gaps in their education. Several years away from school poses a risk that an entire generation of young Syrians, even if they return to their homeland, will not be able to help rebuild Syria after the war. More minidocs: minidoc.pl