Renovation of the Tuberculosis Clinic in South Sudan

The Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) will renovate a health center with a hospital ward in Gordhim, located in northern South Sudan. This facility treats patients suffering from tuberculosis. PCPM has been assisting this country since its independence. It operates the Supplementary Feeding Center and a mobile clinic, all thanks to donations from Polish benefactors.
Approximately $20,000 to $25,000 is needed for the renovation of the clinic. A charity auction organized during the Incentive Day Gala 2024 by the Association of Incentive Travel Organizers (SOIT) raised 58,000 PLN for the clinic’s renovation. The remaining funds come from a one-time donation of 43,000 PLN that the foundation recently received. However, the collected funds will not cover all necessary renovation and equipment costs. Therefore, we continue to raise funds at and encourage support.
Forgotten Disease
Tuberculosis remains a global health issue, forming part of the so-called “big three” infectious diseases alongside malaria and HIV/AIDS. In 2023, there were 10.8 million reported cases worldwide, with 1.5 million deaths annually due to tuberculosis. One-third of these deaths occur in Africa. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), South Sudan ranks 17th globally in tuberculosis-related deaths, but this data is from 2020 and may be significantly underestimated due to ongoing conflict in neighboring Sudan, recent flooding in South Sudan, and a catastrophic humanitarian situation on the ground.
It is estimated that up to 25% of the global population has been exposed to tuberculosis bacteria. Not every exposure leads to disease; however, malnutrition significantly increases the risk of developing tuberculosis. Consequently, countries where hunger is prevalent also experience higher infection rates.PCPM operates a mobile clinic in South Sudan that functions in three locations along the route taken by those fleeing the war in Sudan. The clinic diagnoses common regional diseases such as malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis. Patients in critical condition are referred for treatment at larger centers like Aweil—the state capital. After renovation, the Gordhim Center will be able to accommodate some patients.

This year alone, medical staff from the mobile clinic diagnosed 47 cases of tuberculosis since its operations began in September.
“A professional facility represents the only hope for many patients. Thus, the decision was made to allocate recent donations towards renovating the health center with a hospital ward in Gordhim. We are immensely grateful to those willing to support us in such a difficult place where every penny truly matters,”
explains Zofia Kwolek, board member of PCPM.
“We are pleased that the Association of Incentive Travel Organizers chose PCPM to support this year’s Incentive Day Gala. We hope for continued cooperation and joint assistance to those who truly need it.”
Every Penny Counts Towards Health
Thanks to donations from Polish benefactors, we operate the Gordhim Supplementary Feeding Center near the border with Sudan. This year alone, over 15,500 individuals have been treated at the center, half of whom were malnourished and nearly 4,000 in critical condition.
The center assists in extremely challenging cases. In May, a two-year-old girl weighing only 5.9 kg was brought to Gordhim after her mother fled from war-torn Sudan and was too exhausted to feed her child. Thanks to therapeutic food, Agoot now weighs what an average girl her age should weigh and is healthy. For many individuals, this center represents their last chance before dying from starvation.

Agoot’s story is unfortunately not unique; statistics kept by staff at the Gordhim Center testify to this reality. The foundation can only assist in South Sudan thanks to donations from Polish benefactors; thus, we encourage support through to OCHA, by 2025, approximately 9.3 million people—69% of South Sudan’s total population of 13.4 million—will likely need some form of humanitarian assistance.
PCPM has supported residents of this country since its independence. Here, every penny counts because a package of special therapeutic paste costs just 2.1 PLN. You can also support this cause by donating 1.5% of your tax return to PCPM (KRS 0000259298) or recently via BLIK transfer at phone number 790 007 000.