Search results for: kenya

Therapeutic food has arrived in Gordhim, South Sudan

The aid transport arrived at the Gordhim Nutrition Center in South Sudan. It traveled from Nairobi for 2 weeks over 2,000 kilometers. The road is difficult, but this allowed the...
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Kenia, szkolenia zawodowe

A historic event in Kenya! Professional certification of firefighters...

Examinations recognizing the professional qualification of firefighters are starting in Kenya. This is the culmination of 9 years and systemic work by the PCPM to expand the firefighting system in...
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South Sudan simultaneously sinks and dries up, the climate...

PCPM Foundation supports South Sudan. PCPM sends therapeutic food to the Gordhim Center to help fight hunger.
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PCPM aid gives boost to further development of Kenya’s...

Thanks to the initiative of the Polish Center for International Aid, one new fire station has been built in Makueni County (southern Kenya), and another has been expanded. The county...
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PCPM instructors provide first aid training in Tanzania

'- Often we scouts are the first to the place of accidents," points out Amina Maulid, a participant in Polish first aid training in Tanzania. The PCPM Foundation's program in...
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Kenyan firefighters trained by PCPM conducted a series of...

Residents of the towns of Muranga and Ruiru in central Kenya could see and learn how to fight a fire and how to help victims of a car accident as...
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