5 tips how to protect yourself from the coronavirus and COVID-19

First of all, #stayathome. If we all apply this rule, the risk of spreading the virus will be decreased significantly. It is not only about you, but all people around. If you feel such symptoms as fever, dry cough, sore throat, headache, in Poland call 800 190 590. This nonstop nationwide helpline, where they can tell you, what to do next.

Don’t call 112 or 999 (in Polnad) while having such symptoms. Those emergency lines are dedicated only to life-threatening situations or sudden dangerous illnesses, not related to coronavirus infection.

When you call for help, while talking to controller, always say the truth – don’t make up. Describe how you feel, mention if you travelled anywhere or got in touch with anyone who visited countries subjected to coronavirus pandemic. The fact what you say might have impact on the lives of paramedics and the quality of provided medical assistance. If you conceal the risk of coronavirus infection, a team will attend you without the necessary protective equipment. In case of any risk of infection, they will need to quarantine while waiting for the test result. In the same time, the ambulance will be out of order. Talk openly with your children about the situation. Don’t make them scare. Don’t panic.

Coronavirus infection might be cured in the vast majority of cases. The younger the child is, the more his perception depends on the parents’ attitude. So, when a parent is stressed out, their mood affects the children. This is a good opportunity to talk with kids about diseases, explain what viruses and bacteria are, and assure that nowadays we can effectively fight them in different ways. For example – by taking vaccination, washing hands or covering mouth when coughing and sneezing.