PCPM operates a Transit Center for patients from Ukraine [VIDEO].

More than 600 people have been brought to the medical transit center. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of the PCPM Foundation and partners, these patients received expert care at the MEDEVAC HUB Jasionka. See a video of the evacuation and patient reception process.
MEDEVAC HUB Jasionka started operating on September 1, 2022, on the initiative of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and with the involvement of the Polish Ministry of Health. The center is run and managed by the PCPM Foundation and the Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM operating at it, the first and so far only such group in Poland certified by the WHO. The team was established to carry aid and rescue people in humanitarian crises and natural disasters.
The medical hub in Jasionka near Rzeszow is funded by the European Union under the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and supported by the IOM, the World Health Organization, and the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. It provides a safe space for patients arriving from Ukraine before flying to a hospital in another European country for treatment and is part of a broader medical evacuation program for Ukrainian patients launched by the European Union.