Poles deliver aid to flooded towns and villages in...

Employees of the PCPM Foundation have been helping people whose homes were flooded by water since the first hours after the dam broke in Novaya Kakhovka, Ukraine. They are providing...
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The first instructors have completed the course! PCPM supports...

In the third year of the project, the first ten Palestinian medics have completed the instructor course. They will now be able to pass on the knowledge gained through PCPM....
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PCPM aid gives boost to further development of Kenya’s...

Thanks to the initiative of the Polish Center for International Aid, one new fire station has been built in Makueni County (southern Kenya), and another has been expanded. The county...
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PCPM instructors provide first aid training in Tanzania

'- Often we scouts are the first to the place of accidents," points out Amina Maulid, a participant in Polish first aid training in Tanzania. The PCPM Foundation's program in...
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Kenyan firefighters trained by PCPM conducted a series of...

Residents of the towns of Muranga and Ruiru in central Kenya could see and learn how to fight a fire and how to help victims of a car accident as...
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PCPM Foundation reaches out with aid to Zaporizhia’s frontline...

Volunteers of the PCPM Foundation, regularly deliver aid to Zaporozhye. They also reached the Donetsk region. - We were driving past one of the schools, suddenly in the middle of...
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