Every day our transports with humanitarian aid reach Ukraine

Two shipments were delivered to Lviv, where currently our main Ukraine-based warehouse is located. The cargo included i.a. medicaments and sanitary equipment. In Kharkiv, people in need received diapers and baby food. Our transports also reach the PCPM evacuation center near Kremenchuk in the central part of the war-torn country. We also supplied a hospital in Zhytomyr with medical equipment and drugs.

In addition to providing humanitarian aid, we also organize evacuations from Ukraine to Poland. On Thursday night, a bus from Kremenchuk arrived at our refugee transit center in Warsaw. Among approximately 50 refugees from Kharkiv and Dnipro there were elderly and people with disabilities. Some of the evacuees will go further to the West, i.a. Switzerland and Portugal.

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Foundation’s official profile on Instagram – @fundacjapcpm
Foundation’s official Facebook profile – Polish Center For International Aid