Georgia: Disaster Risk Reduction and flood prevention.
Georgia: Disaster Risk Reduction and flood prevention.

Due to its mountainous terrain, Georgia is prone to flash floods. Risk to villages and population in the river valleys was exacerbated by the lack of early warning equipment and limited capacity of the local rescue services.
Since 2010, PCPM has implemented several Polish Aid-funded programs focusing on equipment and training support for Fire Brigade, ambulance services and food prevention. In 2016 and 2017 we have supported Georgia’s National Environmental Agency (NEA) in installation of automated meteorological stations among the at-threat river valleys in Kakheti and Tusheti regions.
This support included rivers modelling study and hydrological calculations that allowed to precisely determine flood hazard zones. This process was also an important step to fulfill the EU Flood Directive requirements, being a part of EU-Georgia Association Agreement.