Iraqi governors pay a study visit to Poland

The cornerstone goal of the enterprise is to strengthen the capacity of local governments in Iraq and Lebanon in response to a drastic demographic increase imposed by the Syrian conflict. During the visit, seventeen local government workers and engineers came to Lublin. There were two groups – one delegation each. The first one participated in meetings with the Lublin authorities workers; the second was part of pieces of training in the MPWiK Lublin facility and a meeting with the Regional Polish Water Executive Board.

– First, I wanted to thank the PCPM Foundation for creating and coordinating our travel from Iraq to Poland. We were in Lublin and Warsaw and visited water pipe installations, where the water was purified and prepared for reuse. As the director of a similar plant in the Kurdish-inhabited area, I am amazed by what we have seen here – said Imad Khalaf, the director of a utility plant in the Nineveh region. – We want this experience from Poland to conduct changes in Iraq and will do everything in our power to implement it in our upcoming project and development works – the director ensured. – I am genuinely happy we could come to Poland – to Lublin, and meet the local authorities, the company providing the agglomeration with water. We learn how the institution works and what are each department’s responsibilities. We compare it with how it functions in Iraq or Iraqi Kurdistan – said Khalat Othman, the director of water pipelines in Dohuk. – This visit provides many benefits. I already have innovative ideas about what to implement in Iraq regarding water supply and its management – the official uncovered. – For sure, it will impact our daily tasks. We thank you for that – he adds.

The delegation of local government officials from Iraqi Kurdistan and Iraq also met the Plenipotentiary of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Poland, Ziyad Raoof, and representatives of the Iraqi Embassy headed by the embassy’s charge d’affaires, Hussein al-Safi.
The Polish Center for International Assistance Foundation has been implementing the MASAR program in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq (in Mosul province) since 2018. The program supports local governments primarily in three areas: urban planning, water resources management, and assistance to local entrepreneurs and farmers.
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