MEDEVAC Hub in Jasionka takes in the wounded from Ukraine

Norway, Sweden, Germany, and France are the countries to which war victims and cancer patients from Ukraine are sent for treatment. Medevac Hub Jasionka has been opened for these people, which is run by the Polish International Aid Center Foundation in the vicinity of the airport in Jasionka, near Rzeszow.
The facility, which consists of two halls, has beds waiting for patients traveling from Ukraine for treatment. Patients spend 48 hours at the Jasionka medical complex on average.
‘Such a person is pre-treated, secured, and prepared for transport while still in Ukraine. When the patient arrives, they get painkilling treatment and have a moment to recuperate and gain strength before continuing the journey – says Michal Polecki, a nurse at PCPM’s Medical Emergency Team.

‘There is a found place in a hospital, somewhere in Europe, that can provide specialized assistance’ – Polecki adds.
The medical facilities are no different from those in traditional hospitals. Professional medical staff takes care of patients.
‘We have twenty separate spaces for patients and their families. We’ve equipped each box with basic hospital gear such as cardio monitors or intravenous medicine. There are oxygen concentrators. The basics diagnostics such as EKG or other medical measurement gear’ – says doctor Agata Lukasik.
The MEDEVAC HUB Jasionka Center has been developed not only for patients but also for their family members. We also thought about the comfort of the young ones and put together a room full of games, books, and toys.

All medical evacuations are within the EU Civil Protection Mechanism’s framework – a platform for countries to work together to prepare for, prevent, and respond to natural disasters. In addition to the 27 EU countries, the UK, Iceland, Norway, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey are also part of the system. The EU-funded Medevac Hub Jasionka Medical Transit Center near Rzeszow will operate for six months until February.
MEDEVAC HUB in Jasionka is financed by the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. The Hub provides a safe space for patients arriving from Ukraine before flying to a hospital in another European country for treatment and is part of a broader medical evacuation program for Ukrainian patients launched by the European Union.

The PCPM Medical Emergency Team is the first and only medical team of its kind in Poland and this part of Europe, certified by the WHO as a so-called Type 1 Emergency Medical Team – EMT. Our team is one of seven such teams in the world. It operates in non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

MEDEVAC HUB in Jasionka is financed by the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. The Hub provides a safe space for patients arriving from Ukraine before flying to a hospital in another European country for treatment and is part of a broader medical evacuation program for Ukrainian patients launched by the European Union.
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