Officially Bibava and Kame villages with improved access to water!

The construction of water supply systems in Bibava and Kame villages took 3 months, from 1st of August 2021 till 31st of October 2021, and costed 139,791.90 USD. The official opening of water supply systems in Kame and Bibava villages took place on 31st of October in Kame village. During the opening ceremony PCPM welcomed its partner in the project Director of the Directorate of Water Outskirts, Mr Engineer Khalat Othman, a whole team of Avro company (the contractor) headed by Mr Serbest Ghazi Tahir and also the Mukhtar of Kame village, Mr Abdul Kareem who represented the community of the village.
– Kame village is inhabited by families who try to make a living by working in the fields and sheep farming. Water is the crucial resource for them to survive on the land where access to the water is very limited. After construction of water supply system, the inhabitants do not have to worry about lack of water access anymore – he said.
Mr Abdul played the crucial part in the construction of water supply system in Kame village since it was on his land that the water tank was built. After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Mukhtar of Kame invited all the guests for lunch in his house. The PCPM Foundation has been implementing the MASAR development project since 2019 together with partners from the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain. It is financed by the EU under the MADAD fund.