On the World Refugee Day the PCPM Foundation in cooperation with UNHCR launches a new cash assistance program for refugees from Ukraine

‘I am glad that the program happened to be launched on World Refugee Day. This day was designated by the United Nations to honor the refugees who were forced to flee their countries all over the world. It is the moment when we can reveal their courage, and remember the challenges they have to overcome to live in dignity against all odds. June 20 is the occasion to spread the message to the world that every human being deserves to live with dignity’ – said Itimad Farmawi, the UNHCR staff on mission, on the first day of the opening of the PCPM Foundation enrollment centre in Lublin. ‘The core message of this year’s Refugee Day is + each and everyone has the right to seek safety and has the right to live in a safe environment+. This means that everyone, no matter where they come from, where they are going, has the right to live with dignity’- she added.

Until the end of July, the Polish Center for International Aid will be registering persons of concern who fled the war in Ukraine and are staying in Lublin. ‘We are going to register at least 3,000 refugee families. Thanks to the cooperation of parties involved: UNHCR, the city of Lublin, and PCPM Foundation, the assistance will reach the most in need’ – explained Przemysław Stachura, the PCPM project database coordinator. As he emphasized, financial assistance will be provided for a period of three months.
Itimad gave more details about the project: ‘For the purposes of the project, we conducted training for the team that will be responsible for the registration. It covered not only the use of the technical part and the deployment of the systems but also sessions related to humanitarian standards needed when delivering assistance. She also highlighted the importance of proper communication with refugees.

On World Refugee Day, we would like to transmit our wishes of peace and safety to refugees all over the world.
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