Poland EMT PCPM donate coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic equipment to hospitals

The medical units, where the members of the Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM are working, seek for support. And we are dedicated to help them. We started with giving at the disposal a medical tent to the Children’s Hospital at Kopernika Street in Warsaw.
– The medical tent will be used as a triage zone in our hospital. Initial tests for our patients, staff and other people entering the Children’s Hospital will be taken there – says Izabela Marcewicz-Jendrysik, director of the Children’s Hospital in Warsaw. – In the time of coronavirus crisis, any actions to enhance health security are strongly recommended. We appreciate very much what Polish Center for International Aid is doing to help us saving health and life of our patients – she adds.

– The medical tent has an area of 26m2, and it was designed for medical assistance in the most severe conditions, regardless of the climate. It is equipped with interior partitions ensuring the patient’s intimacy during the examination, ceiling net to suspend medical devices and special equipment to keep the right temperature inside the tent. We have also provided walkie-talkies that will allow staying in touch with the emergency department – says Tomasz Lipert – logistic coordinator of Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM.

Our reaction was immediate when were informed that the hospital in Łańcut (where one of Poland EMT PCPM paramedic works) is running out of needed equipment. This hospital has been transformed into an infectious disease unit due to the increasing number of people infected by coronavirus. As soon as possible, the needed materials will be delivered to the hospital.
– We sent from our storage all we were able to, waiting for any WHO call, because our team acquired the World Health Organization certification – explains Michał Madeyski, Poland EMT PCPM coordinator.
Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM is the only one in Poland, and one of the few in the world, medical team that operates a rapid response emergency actions and can be deployed within 24 hours to provide medical care for victims of natural disasters or humanitarian emergencies. The team is coordinated and financed by the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) as part of our statutory activity. In natural disasters or humanitarian emergencies zones, the team is supervised by the World Health Organization (WHO). Certified as Type 1 Emergency Medical Team – is one of the seven medical teams operated by a non-governmental organization in the world.