klasa szkolna i pracownik humanitarny

Online for Five Years

Truskavets, a town of 30,000 in the Lviv region, is a renowned mountain resort known for its distinctive wooden architecture. I arrived here with a worker from the Polish Center...
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Villages are almost cut off from the world. The...

There are places in Ukraine where it is only possible to get aid between shellings. Orichiv, which had a population of 15,000 before the war, is now inhabited by only...
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Starsza pani w zniszczonym domu

Допомагаємо вижити сьогодні та планувати майбутнє в Україні

Відбудова, відновлення державних послуг, надання насіння для фермерів, а також продуктових наборів та засобів гігієни - Фонд "Польський центр міжнародної допомоги" допомагає жителям України вижити в сьогоденні та планувати майбутнє....
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nauczycielka pisze po tablicy

Nostrification of Ukrainian teachers, support for schools in Poland

Nostrification of diplomas of Ukrainian female teachers who want to work in educational institutions in Poland is a joint program of the Polish Center for International Aid and CARE Foundation....
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Medevac Hub Jasionka - medycy pracują

These are the voices of patients who have been...

New patients from Ukraine pass through the MEDEVAC HUB Jasionka every week. In total, more than 530 people came to the medical transit point, accompanied by 220 people. Thanks to...
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