Taiwanese companies and society to support Ukraine

Thanks to the generosity of the Taiwan Association of Community Advancement and with the support of the Taipei Representative Office in Warsaw, 48 cars have arrived in Poland with the aim of being delivered to Ukraine.

The ongoing cooperation between the Taipei Representative Office in Warsaw and the Polish Center for International Aid in delivering humanitarian support in Poland and Ukraine results in providing PCPM’s financial support and logistical expertise to facilitate the transportation of vehicles from Port of Gdańsk to Lviv. These vehicles, including a fleet of ambulances, specially designed cars for the elderly and disabled, and fire trucks, will be received by Ukrainian NGOs chosen by the Taiwanese side.
Six of the cars will be donated by PCPM to the local governments in Ukraine in Kherson City and Trostyanets City. As the transportation system has been destroyed by the Russian troops, both cities face significant challenges in terms of social assistance and humanitarian aid. PCPM cooperates with the regional authorities to continuously support people who stayed at home and to prepare the background to further rebuild crucial infrastructure.

’The humanitarian crisis and economic shocks caused by the war have made people realize that the impact is global. Taiwan will continue to cooperate with other democracies including Poland to help Ukraine with its reconstruction and recovery projects in the future” – said Ambassador Sharon S. N. Wu, Head of Taipei Representative Office in Poland.

„The support of the government and people of Taiwan to Ukraine – be it financial or in kind – is very appreciated. It is a proof to the war-affected people in Ukraine that their cause for freedom is supported far beyond Europe. The vehicles donated to Ukraine will be a visible token of this solidarity” – said Wojtek Wilk, Ph.D., CEO of the Polish Center For International Aid.
„We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the PCPM for facilitating the delivery process, in the collaboration with the PCPM, this project exemplifies the spirit of “Taiwan Stands with Ukraine” – added Amb. Sharon S. N. Wu.