The first two weeks of the cash program for basic needs for Ukrainian refugees in Poland

People in need have received almost 1,2 mln PLN on ATM cards distributed in cooperation with local authorities, Lublin, and Warsaw Metropolitan Area town – Otwock. The average cash value provided per household was around 1600 PLN (around 380 USD).
The financial support for the refugees from war-torn Ukraine can be used to buy food and cover other basic needs.
‘The most important needs of the refugees from Ukraine vary a lot: some families need accommodation and want to pay rent, some want to buy food, some run away from Ukraine with no luggage and need new clothes, others want to pay for the lessons of the Polish language. Cash assistance is the most dignified form of assistance in the current crisis, as it respects the individual needs and situations of refugee families, who are free to spend the received funds as per their priorities – explains Agnieszka Nosowska, project manager at PCPM.
The funding of the program was supported by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). The planned target of the MPCA project is assisting a total number of 1450 refugee households.

‘It is worth emphasizing that this program is neither a burden for the Polish budget nor Polish taxpayers, as it is financed by international donors’ – underlined Dr. Wojciech Wilk, CEO of the PCPM Foundation and the UN expert on humanitarian crises.
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