Support for refugees from Ukraine in Poland

“Wspólnie do niezależności” is a project of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, the Polish Center for International Aid Foundation, and the Polish Red Cross (PCK). Its purpose is to support Ukrainian citizens who escaped from the war and are currently living in collective accommodation centers.
The assistance will include subsidizing the costs of moving out of collective accommodation centers (six months of support). Refugee women and men will also be able to receive support from career advisers and take part in vocational and language courses. The assistance will also include support for adaptation to the Polish education and health care system. Participants in the project will learn, among other things, how to enroll a child in school, obtain a disability certificate, and register with a doctor.
Project details
The project leader is the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, which is responsible for the day-to-day coordination and supervision of the entire initiative. The partners are two non-governmental organizations with many years of experience in implementing such tasks: the Polish Center for International Aid Foundation and the Polish Red Cross. They are responsible for identifying project participants and providing them with direct support.
The project was selected for co-financing by the European Commission under the call ‘Specific Action MS under pressure – Support for Ukraine’. The EC granted PLN 84 149 255,34 for its implementation, which is 90 percent of the project’s budget.
The initiative involves assisting Ukrainian citizens under temporary protection (6,000 people) to achieve self-reliance. The first step is to leave the collective accommodation center. Project beneficiaries will be offered financial support and a range of activities to foster integration and build a life in Poland. These include individual career counseling and job search assistance, Polish language courses, and cultural and integration activities.
In addition, they will be provided with information support on the rules and regulations for functioning in Polish society, e.g., about assistance within the social security system, enrolling a child in kindergarten, school, or accessing health care. Activities in the project are to be carried out until 31 March 2026.
Detailed rules of procedure for beneficiaries are currently being developed, setting out the principles for recruitment and use of support. It will soon be published on the project implementers’ websites. To participate in the project, it is necessary to have a PESEL number with UKR status and to reside in a collective accommodation center.
Effective humanitarian aid
The Polish Center for International Aid is one of the most experienced Polish international non-governmental organizations involved in humanitarian, development, and medical assistance. Over the past 10 years, PCPM has implemented more than 140 programs with a total value of more than EUR 100 million, funded by the Polish government, UN agencies, and the European Commission. Since 2012. PCPM has been implementing a housing support program for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, funded by UNHCR, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the UN.
The Polish Red Cross is the oldest humanitarian organization, operating in Poland continuously since 1919. It belongs to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Since the beginning of the conflict, it has been involved in extensive humanitarian assistance to the victims of the conflict in Ukraine. In particular, it has been involved in running a housing support program, a professional activation program, various integration programs, or psychological, financial, and material support.
The value of the #napomocomUkrainie support is more than PLN 300 million from individual donors, corporate donors, state and local administration, EU funds, and the CK and CP Movement.