Refugee reception and transit centre in Warsaw

The Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM), NRC’s partner in Poland, is responsible for the overall site management. The management on site is held by experienced humanitarian aid experts and PCPM representatives – head chief coordinator Przemysław Rembielak and his deputy Sławomir Klusek.
The facility was built to receive 2,500 people a day and up to 1,500 refugees are expected to be staying there at any given time. It features over 6,000m2 of tented space, which makes it the largest refugee transit and assistance center in Warsaw. Around 800 to 1,000 refugees transit there every day, with most arrivals with trains in the morning and evening hours as well as on busses and private cars. All of them receive hot meals, medical services, and psychosocial support when on site. Medical care is provided by PCPM’s Emergency Medical Team.

Together with local food cooperatives, the refugee transit center provides 2,500 meals per day with 500 additional meals for people staying longer, 1,500 snacks for children, and special food for diabetics. Thanks to NRC funding, PCPM manages the transit center and coordinates the work of several NGOs and service providers. The center also features a dedicated space for children, a medical p, a point, and a special point for psychological support. The city of Warsaw supports information, benefits, and referral long-term term accommodation thanks to the everyday devoted work of ten’s voluntaries.
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