Challenging winter approaches Ukraine. The PCPM foundation delivers indispensable aid along with the CARE organization

‘At the end of October, together with 500 families in the most critical situation (a large family without living resources, disabled people, and the elderly), we signed 3-month financial aid agreements. We delivered adult diapers for 51 elderlies with walking difficulties. The next 500 families will receive blankets and thermal comforters. The aid is given within the framework of the ‘winter assistance’ program, financed from financial resources from CARE’s assistance program’ – said Anna Radecka.
‘The help is significant because we already know there will be heating limitations, and if the attacks will be more frequent, heater-system shutdown in Ukraine is likely. In a scenario where the power infrastructure gets damaged, we will not be able to plug in the portable air heater fan’ – explains Anna Radecka from PCPM.
The war gradually contributes to the damage to Ukraine’s strategic infrastructure. The Russian attacks on heat and power plants have increased in the last month, and continuously given damage to this kind of infrastructure could call into question the deliveries of such services.
It’s estimated that Kyiv’s households’ heating systems connected to the heating plant will be limited. The temperature could go down to approx. -10 or -12 degrees Celsius. From Monday (October 17th, 2022), the PCPM and the CARE organization are providing additional assistance in a CARE-funded multisegmented help program.
In Kyiv, Darnytskyi, and Dnipro regions, you can count IDPs from the Russian-occupied territories (or war-zone territory) in dozens of thousands.
The actions in Kyiv constitute additional assistance within a broader program. The first and most significant part is financial assistance to help the most in-need families get ‘back on their feet. They were selected accordingly to the guidelines of the Ukrainian Cash Working Group, coordinated by the UN. These include large families without means, single mothers with children, seniors over 65, or families where there are people with disabilities or chronic illnesses.
Each aid package is for several months, and in the first phase of implementation, we distributed them from June to July 2022. Such assistance has already gone to 6,500 people in more than 2,900 families.

A significant component of the project is material assistance to people forced to leave their homes, centered around food and hygiene products. In total, we organized 11 shipments, the last of which went to Lutsk in western Ukraine, which we wrote about HERE. In addition to donations, we organized a holiday camp for displaced children in Krasnobrod from September 16 to 26.
Not only did our PCPM staff in Ukraine participate in the material aid activities, but above local volunteers and authorities. Thanks to their help, we c reach the right people with donations and be sure that those are disposed impartially.

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Facebook – Polish Center for International Aid(PCPM)