Palestine: Development of agricultural cooperatives
Palestine: Development of agricultural cooperatives

Since 2013 PCPM has supported Palestinian agricultural cooperatives to strenghten added value added of their products through improved marketing and exportation to the European Union.
To overcome water shortage, in 2017 PCPM has continued to install hydroponic and tank systems that allow several crops of fresh vegetables and herbs per year. These are subsequently processed and packaged as part of MAWASEM trademark and prepared for the sale on the domestic market, as well as exportation abroad. PCPM takes much pride in having successfully introduced Palestinian agricultural and food products in the Polish market.
We also support agricultural cooperatives’ capacity building to improve their market share. To this end, 13 cooperatives in the West Bank benefited from technical support and counselling in distribution networking, business strategies and improved marketing. International FairTrade and Bio certificates increase MAWASEM trade mark’s domestic and international competitiveness that provides Palestinian farmers, mainly members of women’s agricultural cooperatives, with stable and increased source of income.