Palestine 2016 – 2017
Palestine 2016 – 2017

Palestine, due to prevalence of drought conditions, scarce water resources and unavailability of agricultural land lacks its food security. Rapidly growing population in the urban areas, unemployment and poverty rates additionally increase the number of families that experience a scarce access to food.
Description of activities:
PCPM supports Palestinian agriculture since 2010. While supporting recently created an effective networking production-sales model for 8 agricultural cooperatives, PCPM is introducing a new fresh vegetables hydroponic production systems that as well enriches the range of products and units of created hub as faces the challenge to increase food security in an environment of a limited land.

An innovative hydroponic and wicking bed systems will be installed in 4 new cooperative units supporting the disadvantaged groups (women or intellectually disabled).

The system will ensure feasible, environmentally sound and easily manageable production of herbs and vegetables both for the cooperative members’ households and to generate the income from covering the market needs. This new way of agro-production will allow to optimize the utilization of scarce natural resources and improve economical level of beneficiaries.

The targeted approach of the agro-food cooperatives (Me to We) that was created within the MAWASEM brand name, will disseminate and strengthen the business network among the existing cooperatives and attract the other actors.