Search results for: ukraina

Закінчився другий місяць війни в Україні. Фундація PCPM допомагає...

Вже другий місяць відколи російські війська почали атаки на українські міста та села. З першого дня конфлікту Фундація PCPM допомагає Україні та біженцям у Польщі. З точки зору організації, яка...
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Two months have passed since Russia invaded Ukraine. The...

Two months have passed since the Russian troops attacked Ukrainian towns and villages. From the very first day of the conflict, the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) Foundation has...
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The first two weeks of the cash program for...

During the first two weeks of a pilot programme ‘the Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance for Ukrainian Refugees in Poland’ (MPCA), the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) has helped more than...
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Refugee reception and transit centre in Warsaw

The Polish Center of International Aid (PCPM) together with The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) along with the city of Warsaw have launched a refugee reception center for civilians fleeing the...
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The transit center offers a number of services for...

Poland EMT PCPM is operating a health post at the largest refugee transit center in Warsaw, located next to Warsaw East Railway Station. The transit hub has been built by...
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Cash program for basic needs for Ukrainian refugees in...

The Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) rolls out a pilot of the Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance program for an initial group of 7,000 Ukrainian refugee families in Poland. PCPM assisted...
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