PCPM will provide shelter for 25,000 Syrians in Lebanon

- PCPM will rebuild shelters and camp infrastructure in northern Lebanon
- The approaching winter and the risk of spreading the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic may lead to collective human tragedies
- Thanks to a million-dollar-worth grant from the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund [UN OCHA], we will be able to support the poorest families
Syrian families have been living for many years in the crowded camps, which have become even more dangerous in the time of pandemics due to the increasing risk of infection and spread of COVID-19. The PCPM Foundation will help them to survive the most difficult winter for the third year in a row.
-We are increasing our help for Syrian refugees, also due to the new threats associated with the pandemic. These activities will be adapted to the situation which is constantly changing. It will include such actions as construction of local temporary isolation centers or additional isolation tents in camps – explains Agnieszka Nosowska, Coordinator of Humanitarian Projects in Lebanon.
Wood will save tents from falling apart under the weight of snow. Special sheets will protect them from moisture and water getting inside. Protection, thermal insulation of tents, but also the reconstruction of poor infrastructure that surrounds temporary shelters. A detailed needs assessment allows us to provide help for over 25,000 people living in northern Lebanon: Bekaa Valley, Akkar and Arsal. These are the regions where atmospheric conditions are a real threat. Camps located in the mountain region are covered by snow. When it melts, the roads turn into mud bogs. Crowded camps in northern Lebanon are places that require special attention. Syrian families decide to move there because they are not able to pay the rent even for a small garage or abandoned house. This trend has been going on since 2017 – each year deepens the already dramatic situation.
PCPM will help Syrian refugees in a specific way through a distribution of sets to reinforce tents (nearly 5,000 sets), thermal insulation of tents (1,000 sets for families with special needs, for example suffering from some illness) and preparing 55 camps for floods, by hardening surfaces around tents. The assistance is financed by the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund, one of the regional funds of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs [UN OCHA].
We have been supporting Syrian families from the beginning of the war in Syria. In the host countries there are currently over 6 million Syrian refugees. The most refugees per capita are located in Lebanon, which is particularly affected by this difficult situation. As the only Polish organization registered in Lebanon, we monitor the situation of Syrian families. Thanks to this we are able to respond to their needs immediately and provide direct help. However, there is still a lot to do, which is why we call for individual donations:
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Oficjalny profil Fundacji na Facebooku – Polskie Centrum Pomocy Międzynarodowej (PCPM)