Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM and T-Mobile continue their cooperation

After a year of successful cooperation, T-Mobile continues its partnership with the Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM.

T-Mobile points out that we live in times where we witness important and often dramatic events every day.
Although all attention has been focused on the pandemic over the past year, the world has not stopped. Ongoing climate change and the natural disasters that go with it are paralyzing the lives of people in different corners of the world. Floods, earthquakes, and fires are also becoming a daily reality for many countries in Europe. That is why it is so important to have brave people around you, who thanks to their knowledge and experience save the world – points out T-Mobile.

The members of the Poland Emergency Medical Team of the Polish Centre for International Aid Foundation are such people. It is the only rapid response medical team in Poland and one of the few in Europe, capable of almost immediate deployment to areas affected by natural disasters (such as earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes) or humanitarian crises (such as those on the Syrian-Lebanese border or in poor African countries). The Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM is completely self-sufficient and ready to operate even in completely devastated regions. However, the last few dozen months have been marked by constant readiness and challenges posed by the pandemic to Polish doctors, rescuers, nurses,s and other medical professionals. The support of T-Mobile means greater opportunities for us to maintain full readiness for emergency trips in the event of a humanitarian crisis or natural disaster. It is for such actions that I created the first (and so far the only) Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM, which under the aegis of the World Health Organizationcano provides almost immediate assistance – assures Dr. Wojciech Wilk, president of the PCPM Foundation and head of the Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM. – Thanks to the cooperation with our Partners, such as T-Mobile, we can prepare for an emergency trip with an entire field hospital within 24 hours, and within 48 hours be at the scene of a disaster anywhere in the world -assurings the President of the PCPM. – The Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM currently consists of over a hundred excellent specialists and dedicated medics. These are people who professionally deal with saving health and life. Also thanks to Partners such as T-Mobile we can continue to grow and develop – concludes Dr. Wojciech Wilk.
Being in constant readiness is a huge commitment. Observing the work of members of the Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM, we are convinced that what they do is extremely important, to all of us. At T-Mobile, we believe ina long-term friendship, so we have another year of joint activities with the Polish Centre for International Aid Foundation before us. We want to support the activities of the Team of medics so that they can always be ready to provide help around the world. Their dedication commands our great respect and we consider cooperation with them a real honor – said Andreas Maierhofer, CEO of T-Mobile Poland.
The cooperation between T-Mobile and the Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM ismulti-dimensionall. The operator, in addition to financial support, provides the organization with assistance in communication and reaching the widest possible audience, by organizing joint educational and social activities, including first aid classes for employees.
Detailed information on how to support the Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM can be found at: pcpm.org.pl/ratownicy