Szkolenie instruktorskie Tanzania

Emmanuel, Naifat, Josephine, Kasitu-Boniphace – more Tanzanians’ lives are...

Patients of the hospitals in the Tanzanian cities of Dar es Salaam and Mwanza are healed thanks to medical training and equipment provided by the Polish Center for International Aid...
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Pomoc żywnościowa w Libanie

Crisis in Lebanon. PCPM helps more than 550 families

Many families are without electricity and the value of the Lebanese pound has fallen dramatically. Without renting a private power generator, families can only rely on one hour of power...
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Polsko-Tanzańskie Centrum szkoleniowe

Hospital equipment, trainings. PCPM develops emergency medicine in Tanzania

Thanks to the support of the Polish Centre for International Aid, some hospitals in Tanzania can provide treatment according to European standards. Poland provides Tanzanians with medical training and appropriate...
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In Kenya TVET approved a firefighting CBET curriculum on...

From now on, all firefighters and specialised rescuers across the country will be able to undertake a professional advanced and certified course improving their skills in both responding to different...
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panie siedzące przy biurku

Summary of PCPM’s activities in 2023

Providing aid in Ukraine, supporting vulnerable Lebanese families, and enhancing fire and ambulance service in Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Palestine, Nutrition Centre in South Sudan. Read the report summarising the...
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[VIDEO] The war in Ukraine continues. We’re there to...

Evacuations, delivering packages, organizing a safe place, helping right at the front lines. For the past two years, our staff and volunteers have been helping in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees...
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