Training Course on Design of Water Networks by using the WaterGEMS Program has started

The first practical training for the staff of Directorate of Water in Duhok Governorate took place on 3rd of November 2021 in Duhok. Whereas, the first training for the staff of the Directorate of Water in Niniveh Governorate took place on 10th of November 2021 in Mosul.
Training is aimed at improving qualifications and knowledge of trainings’ participants. The main topics of the training are: water supply pipeline (gravity and pressurized water systems), running program with steady state hydraulic analysis, drawing water networks, preparing real required project data, performing hydraulic analysis in case of fire flow analysis, displaying outcome results and curves etc.
The PCPM Foundation has been implementing the MASAR development project since 2019 together with partners from the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain. It is financed by the EU under the MADAD fund.