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klasa szkolna i pracownik humanitarny

Online for Five Years

Truskavets, a town of 30,000 in the Lviv region, is a renowned mountain resort known for its distinctive wooden architecture. I arrived here with a worker from the Polish Center…
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“Wspólnie do Niezależności” support for refugees from Ukraine

“Wspólnie do niezależnośi” is a project of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, the Polish Centre for International Aid Foundation, and the Polish Red Cross (PCK). Its purpose is…
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Pomoc potrzebującym w Truskawcu

Ambulatories, shelters in schools, humanitarian aid. All this is…

Thanks to the support of the Taiwanese community, the Polish Centre for International Aid can help in many locations in Ukraine. One of these is Truskavets, where PCPM supports education,…
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