Six months since the war in Ukraine broke out...
Six months ago, at the crack of dawn we received a dramatic news from our co-workers in Kharkiv. The news leaped us on our feet. Тут почалася війна! We rushed...
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The World Humanitarian Day – for us it’s like...
Today, like every August 19th since 2009, we celebrate the World Humanitarian Day. That’s our holiday too, but we don’t celebrate. We work hard everyday for those whose life or...
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PCPM Poland and Ukraine monthly report (July 2022)
PCPM Foundation is focusing its humanitarian assistance on three most vulnerable groups, unable to benefit from the access to job market: a) women with small children, b) elderly and c)...
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PCPM спільно з ЮНІСЕФ запустили гарячу лінію з питань...
Фундація Польського центру міжнародної допомоги (PCPM) спільно з ЮНІСЕФ та Міністерством освіти і науки запустили телефонну лінію для біженців з України – студентів та їхніх батьків та опікунів. Телефонуйте нам...
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In Lebanon, bees pull people out of crisis
In Lebanon, a country in which the PCPM Foundation educate beekeepers. Those trainings could generate a source of income for them. Thanks to MASAR project funded by the EU MADAD...
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Equipped ambulance funded by Ukrainian post office stamps auction...
An ambulance with equipment financed, among other things, by funds raised during an auction of Ukrainian postage stamps will go to hospital eastern Ukraine. The auction was only possible thanks...
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