PCPM Foundation in cooperation with UNHCR supported refugees in...

The Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) helped refugees from Ukraine who found a safe place in Lublin and the surrounding area. This was accomplished with financial support from UNHCR....
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150 beds arrived to Mykolaiv. PCPM helps Ukrainians survive...

The PCPM Foundation, with the support of CARE, organized the delivery of 150 camp beds to Mykolaiv. „The city authorities asked us for exactly such assistance. We try to respond...
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PCPM Foundation delivers aid to devastated Ukrainian villages

The Polish Center for International Aid, in cooperation with the Ukrainian organizations "Flogiston Team" and "Ukrainian Frontiers", delivered humanitarian aid to destroyed villages in the south and east of the...
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The PCPM Foundation provided aid to the Kherson region

The Polish Center for International Aid Foundation provided aid to destroyed towns in the Kherson region and to a hospital in Kherson itself. This is the result of a joint...
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The authorities and residents of the Lebanese capital are...

The authorities of the capital of Lebanon emphasize the high effectiveness of the help that PCPM brings to the city through the "Cash for Work" program, i.e. commissioning minor infrastructural...
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Equality versus equity. How complementary approaches are required to support...

Equality versus equity is a joint paper prepared by a team of NRC and PCPM experts exploring the social assistance extended to refugees from Ukraine who arrived in Poland since...
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