The firefighters from Meru are the best in Kenya...

'- In order for a firefighter to be able to enter a room full of toxic gases, he needs a suitable oxygen apparatus. From our partner, PCPM, we have recently...
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PCPM has built new clinics in the Bidi Bidi...

We have sent 100 modular houses to Uganda. They are used as temporary clinics in one of the world's largest refugee camps, Bidi Bidi. In this way we have improved...
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Kenyan firefighters are more and more proud

Kenyan firefighters extinguish fires, save newborns, take people out from the rubble of collapsed buildings, help victims of road accidents and are more and more often perceived as local heroes....
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PCPM improves living conditions and creates new jobs in...

PCPM has been working with the Nord Region's stakeholders to build local initiatives to tackle the root causes of outward migration, with focus on enhancing the employability of the youth....
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PCPM will deliver 500 homes to war-torn Mosul

Mosul, devastated by the civil war, can hardly be called a place where normal life can take place. After the military defeat of ISIS, residents could return to their homes...
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Syrian refugees in Lebanon do not have to be...

9100 people in 93 refugee camps have now access to fire fighting equipment and are able to use it. Thanks to the trainings carried out by Polish experts, even the...
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