Summary of PCPM’s aid programme in South Sudan

Gordhim Nutrition Center
The Center was established in the Aweil East, area marked by the UN as “emergency” in 5 grade famine scale (after emergency only comes famine), due to the collaboration of PCPM and Arkangelo Ali Association (AAA).

The two organizations also created a new hospital wing as a response to famine crisis caused by drought and civil war in this part of the country.
Patients treatment was based on distributing high-protein meals, which were supposed to stop cachexia and make them recover from the state of starvation in two weeks. Although in the beginning the Center was only to help children under age of 5, the crisis scale forced doctors to take care of the adults too. Medical aid was received in total by 8 thousand people, from which 900 were subject to the nutrition programme.
There are about million South Sudanese refugees in Uganda. Because of the increasing number of patients, health centers located near the border are short in staff and not able to receive all people waiting to be treated. PCPM hired extra help: 2 doctors, 3 nurses, 3 obstetricians and 2 administrative workers in Koboko hospital, Oraba and Kuluba centers. Thanks to the new members of medical team, patients are consulted sooner. The diagnosis has improved – victims with small injuries don’t have to be transported to the main hospital in Arua anymore.

The new personnel available on different shifts and once a week the doctors making rounds in all hospital departments, during the which they share new ideas about hospitalization and therapy. Thanks to the visit of Polish specialists in July 2017 an emergency department, where doctors train the staff on First Aid was created.
The hospital and health centers in Uganda still need more employees. In Koboko, there is only one anesthesiologist, who works day and night shifts. There are no specialists for malaria, which is one of the most common disease in this region of Africa. Health centers often lack basic medicines and medical equipment.

Within the PCPM’s aid to South Sudan, the Foundation also allocated money to 300 starving Sudanese families, raised by Polish donors. List of the families: support
Mortality rate for children under age of 5 is still high in South Sudan. It is mainly caused by the lack of access to medical aid or very little knowledge on healthy eating habits, hygiene and common child disease. Therefore, current PCPM activities in Gordhim are directed at the Mother and Child Clinic of Fatima hospital.
Funding medicines, vaccines or salaries for the extra hospital staff can have a huge impact on the everyday life of the South Sudanese families. Receiving medical aid will enable them to regain strength as well as fight to support their loved ones.
Between September and October 2017, medical aid was distributed to more than 2500 children. There were also 300 antenatal trainings and health classes for about 3 thousand people carried out.
- Donations in PLN: 18114010100000522868001001
- Donations in EURO: PL54114010100000522868001032
- Donations in USD: PL88114010100000522868001002
- 220 zł – 1 week of nurse’s work in the Mother and Child Clinic
- 220 zł – 1 week of obstetrician’s work in the Mother and Child Clinic
- 100 zł – 1 week of nurse’s help work in the Mother and Child Clinic
- 100 zł – 1 week of laboratory technician’s work in the Mother and Child Clinic
- 160 zł – Medicine purchase for one week