Ratownicy w hubie w Jasionce

[VIDEO] Not a field hospital, the unique MEDEVAC HUB

No one expected that in the 21st century, in the heart of geographic Europe, we would face war again. These circumstances have led to the creation of a unique hub...
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Tańzańsko-Polskie centrum szkoleniowe

Medical staff in Tanzania appreciates help from PCPM

The heads of the emergency departments of Chanika and Temeke hospitals in Dar es Saalam emphasize that thanks to help from Poland, they can treat the most seriously injured patients....
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Patient handover

Take a look at MEDEVAC HUB

Located at Jasionka Airport in Rzeszow, MEDEVAC HUB is a medical transit center where doctors, paramedics, nurses, and logistics specialists from the Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM are constantly engaged...
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Polsko-Tanzańskie Centrum szkoleniowe

Hospital equipment, trainings. PCPM develops emergency medicine in Tanzania

Thanks to the support of the Polish Centre for International Aid, some hospitals in Tanzania can provide treatment according to European standards. Poland provides Tanzanians with medical training and appropriate...
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Poland EMT PCPM Experts Mission in Cairo

Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM experts have embarked on another mission in Cairo as part of the broader effort to address the conflict in the Gaza Strip, under the EU...
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Starsza pani w zniszczonym domu

Допомагаємо вижити сьогодні та планувати майбутнє в Україні

Відбудова, відновлення державних послуг, надання насіння для фермерів, а також продуктових наборів та засобів гігієни - Фонд "Польський центр міжнародної допомоги" допомагає жителям України вижити в сьогоденні та планувати майбутнє....
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