“Wspólnie do Niezależności” support for refugees from Ukraine

“Wspólnie do niezależnośi” is a project of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, the Polish Centre for International Aid Foundation, and the Polish Red Cross (PCK). Its purpose is...
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Pomoc potrzebującym w Truskawcu

Ambulatories, shelters in schools, humanitarian aid. All this is...

Thanks to the support of the Taiwanese community, the Polish Centre for International Aid can help in many locations in Ukraine. One of these is Truskavets, where PCPM supports education,...
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Chance for a job matching qualifications and support for...

First Ukrainian refugees have completed their diploma recognition process and can now work in their field. The Polish Center for International Aid Foundation (PCPM), in cooperation with CARE Poland and...
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panie siedzące przy biurku

Summary of PCPM’s activities in 2023

Providing aid in Ukraine, supporting vulnerable Lebanese families, and enhancing fire and ambulance service in Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Palestine, Nutrition Centre in South Sudan. Read the report summarising the...
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Starsza pani w zniszczonym domu

Допомагаємо вижити сьогодні та планувати майбутнє в Україні

Відбудова, відновлення державних послуг, надання насіння для фермерів, а також продуктових наборів та засобів гігієни - Фонд "Польський центр міжнародної допомоги" допомагає жителям України вижити в сьогоденні та планувати майбутнє....
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Shelling is a daily here – any help is...

Shelling is an everyday occurrence in Zaporizhzhia. Houses that are even repaired are destroyed again by artillery shells. Despite this, many residents have not decided to escape. Everything is in...
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