[VIDEO] The war in Ukraine continues. We’re there to...

Evacuations, delivering packages, organizing a safe place, helping right at the front lines. For the past two years, our staff and volunteers have been helping in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees...
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Aid for Ukraine. Report 2022-2024

Since the first alert on February 24, 2022, we have been in Ukraine. During those two years, we helped thousands of Ukrainians and Ukrainian refugees in Poland. We organized evacuations,...
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Pracownik Fundacji PCPM z dziewczynką. Możesz wpłacić na podane niżej numery kont.

Account numbers

You can make a direct donation to our bank account number.
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Education Center. The only place of its kind in...

In the PCPM Education Center, Ukrainian children have been learning in the Ukrainian school system for two years. The CE is a full-fledged educational institution that offers classes in mathematics,...
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The “Package for the Family” program has reached 102...

In collaboration with Biedronka Foundation, under the "Package for the Family" program, we delivered packages with essential products to 102 villages in eastern Ukraine. In total, over 54,000 people in...
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Truskawiec, sale szkolne

Діти можуть повертатися до школи. PCPM обладнав укриття у...

Українські діти вже чотири роки змушені навчатися дистанційно. Спочатку через пандемію COVID-19, а потім через повномасштабну російську агресію. На жаль, це призвело до погіршення якості навчання, оскільки дистанційні уроки не...
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