Officially Bibava and Kame villages with improved access to...

182 families have gained access to water both in Bibava and Kame villages, located in Sheikhan district. The official opening of water supply systems in Kame and Bibava villages took place...
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The PCPM supported school in Debre Berhan is open...

The new school year has begun in Ethiopia. Students from Selam Chora School in Debre Berhan return to class. This is where the PCPM Foundation built the school kitchen and...
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Urgent: Support Afghanistan

The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is unfolding. The PCPM Foundation has started to help refugees. How will the situation in this country change while depending on the scale of humanitarian...
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One year after the explosion in Beirut

On August 4, 2020, 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate improperly stored in the port of Beirut caught fire and exploded, rocking the entire city, shattering glass in buildings, and causing...
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PCPM foundation secured informal settlements from flooding

Flooded tents, wet mattresses and ankle-deep water. Every winter the inhabitants of Sammaqiye informal settlements in northern Liban are fighting water that’s flooding their shelters and are struggling with repercusions...
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PCPM in Northern Iraq. What are we doing there?

Nearly a million refugees have found rescue in Iraqi Kurdistan. These are families who have fled the persecution of the so-called Islamic State or the terror of the war in...
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