The team of professionals in Kenya, trained by PCPM,...

For several months now, firefighters from all over Kenya have been taking part in advanced online training. The PCPM Foundation cooperates with renowned educational institutions. This is the largest Polish...
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In spite of the pandemic we are still helping...

The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped us in implementing our projects in Palestine. We have managed to finish the First Aid Trainings for the residents of Palestinian area C, where...
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During the COVID-19 pandemic PCPM is working in Georgia

In the COVID-19 pandemic reality PCPM is implementing the project “Increasing access to online public services by supporting public libraries in the mountainous remote regions of Georgia” financed by Polish...
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Dziewczynka z Libanu patrzy się w obiektyw. Darowizny regularne pomagają takim dzieciom.

Polish aid for refugees. PCPM ships modular homes to...

The PCPM Foundation will take care of the safety of hundreds of families in the Syrian province of Idlib, where a huge humanitarian crisis occurs, and on the Greek islands...
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We trained half of all Kenyan firefighters. During a...

We are implementing the largest Polish development aid project in Africa: we have trained half of the firefighters working in all counties of Kenya. The professionalization of the Kenyan guard,...
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Ecological crops and agricultural cooperatives in Lebanon thanks to...

A leaky and old sewage system in Lebanon harms the environment and takes away jobs, crops and food. Polluted fields cannot be exploited and the inhabitants, apart from the lack...
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